In Conversation with the Body - Workshop Replay

In Conversation with the Body - Workshop Replay


This 1.5 hour workshop will introduce you to working with the language of your unique feminine body by combining tools and techniques to listen to your body, better understand your inner world and how it shapes your thoughts, emotions and external reality; helping you tune into your intuition and truth.


  • What embodiment actually means

  • How and why we can become disconnected from our bodies

  • Why the body is so important in therapy and healing

  • The five layers/ koshas from Eastern philosophy which influence our entire being

  • Practices to take you on a journey into your own body, so you can use it as a source of self-enquiry - helping you to understand blocks, better make decisions, get un-stuck, gain clarity on your own needs and desires so you can express and support yourself

This is the perfect way for you to find out some of the techniques I use with one to one clients if this is something you’re curious about, or simply an opportunity for you to spend an evening honouring your body and needs.

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